Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I can jump [in] puddles

Apologies to Alan Marshall.

Kids and mud puddles are a magical combination. Children tackle water and mud with the kind of wholehearted abandon we can only dream of in a football match (or politics for that matter).

The only thing that can enrich a lavish experience like this even more is a pair of squelchy gumboots.

I love the capacity of gumboots to play to both a child's caution and his recklessness. Gumboots mean only one of two things: very dry feet or very wet feet.

Above you see Caelan demonstrating for us one way to maximise the effectiveness of gumboots: as portable reservoirs.

There aren't many things I can think of that serve opposite ends of the spectrum so well as gumboots. With kids anyway, they seem to invite initial caution followed by some serious jumping once the first dribble of water has trickled in over the top. Inevitably it ends with a grinning, soaked child and less than half the original puddle remaining (most of it now in the boots).

What a pity most of us adults only experience one aspect (the lesser aspect, perhaps?) of the capacities of our wellies. Kinda makes me want to go outside and jump in some puddles right now.

Only it's way past my bedtime. So I'd better do the responsible (adult-like) thing and go to sleep. And dream of muddy puddles.

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