Sunday, June 15, 2008

Doof-doof: white shoes in the wild west

Every place has its stereotypes.

The area I grew up in was known to some as 'Marajuana Mountain'; I don't think I need to explain that one.

I later lived in another place better known for its motorised scooters (also named by Spike Milligan as 'the world's only above-ground cemetery' - can you guess which town?).

Nowadays, we live in the home of the lowered Honda Civic with the pumpin' stereo and frangipani stickers, the kebab, and the white sneakers.

When we first moved out here, I was due for an upgrade in slippers. One pair of white Grosbys later, I was ready to hit the streets (okay, the hallway of our house).

Cara did not appreciate my attempt to be west-ified. And the white slippers, which were unfortunately a size too small anyway, ended up on FreeCycle.

What is it that people in your local area are known for? How do you react to the stereotype? Do you run with the herd, or critique stereotypes by an equal and opposite reaction of your own?

And your advice would be appreciated: what colour / type of slippers do I go for next time - remembering that I live west of Kenthurst?


Jim said...

Uggboots mate!

Adriaan said...

LOL! Spot on. Now I just need a flanno shirt ...